Monday, August 15, 2011

M.I.A. The problem with me

Is I do go missing in action.

I start by slacking, then I get busy, then I get tired. Next thing you know I'm backed up on posts, behind, it's Ramadan and homeschooling time!


Please forgive me. I thought about all of you and even referred people over to your blogs.

InshaAllah everyone's Ramadan is going great!


  1. Bismillaah

    As Salaamu Alaiki

    Hollyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy come back!!! I check to see if you post because your blog is on my blog list. Miss ya loads. What have you been up to? How's the homeschooling :)

  2. making stuff, reading stuff, going through some stuff that is now over AlhamduliAllah =) (<~ thats my big happy smile)

    I'm coming back InshaAllah =)

    I have Plenty of catching up with you to do and a few projects to type up that we did at home MashaAllah

  3. Bismillaah

    I look forward to seeing what you guys have in store! :)
